on Monday, 13 January 2014
Trend Micro OfficeScan is normally deployed in corporate network environment to provide endpoint security. Administrators can remotely uninstall the Office Scan client, and user at the workstation can uninstall the client program using built-in uninstall mechanism too (i.e. Add and Remove Program in Control Panel). If for some reason, the Office Scan client cannot or unable to uninstall, or user doesn’t have the required password to remove the OfficeScan client, try the following workaround to manually uninstall and remove Trend Micro OfficeScan.
  1. Go to Control Panel Services (services.msc), and stop the following services:
    • OfficeScanNT Listener
    • OfficeScanNT RealTimeScan
    • OfficeScanNT Personal Firewall (if enabled)
  2. Run Registry Editor (regedit.exe).
  3. Navigate to the following registry key hive:
  4. Delete the following keys (if available):
    • Ntrtscan
    • Tmlisten
    • TmFilter
    • VSApiNt
    • TMPreFilter
    • TM_CFW
    • OfcPfwSvc
  5. Navigate to the following registry hive:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Wow6432Node\TrendMicro (in 64-bit Windows operating system)
  6. Delete the following keys (if available):
    • OfcWatchDog
    • Pc-cillinNTCorp or OfficeScanCorp (depending on the client)
    • RemoteAgent
    • PC-cillin
    • CFW
  7. Browse to the following registry key hive:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  8. Delete the OfficeScanNT Monitor key.
  9. Navigate to the following registry key:
  10. Delete the OfficeScanNT key.
  11. Delete the OfficeScan program group (Trend Micro OfficeScan Client) from the Windows Start menu.
  12. Restart the computer.
  13. Delete the directories that contain the OfficeScan Client program files, normally located insideProgram Files folder.
Above steps work for OfficeScan 7.x client in Windows 2003/XP/2000/NT/Vista/2008 machine. For Trend Micro OfficeScan Corporate Edition (OSCE) – 5.58, OfficeScan Corporate Edition (OSCE) – 6.5, Client / Server / Messaging Suite for SMB – 2.0, follow these manual uninstallation steps instead.
  1. Delete the Trend Micro OfficeScan Client program shortcut in Start Menu, by right click on it and then choose Delete.
  2. Delete the installed files located in the OfficeScan folder under the \Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan Client directory.
  3. Open the Registry Editor (regedit).
  4. Navigate to the following registry key:
  5. Delete the following keys:
    • OfcWatchDog
    • PC-cillin
    • PC-cillinNTCorp
  6. Also delete the following registry hives:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\OfficeScanNT Monitor
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OfficeScanNT
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ntrtscan
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\tmfilter
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\tmlisten
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TmPreFilter (for Win2003)
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VSApiNt
  7. Right click on My Computer, click Manage and then select Device Manager.
  8. Enable the Show Hidden Devices option.
  9. Remove the following hidden devices in Non-Plug and Play Drivers tree pertaining to OfficeScan (right-click and select Uninstall):
    • Trend Micro VSAPI NT
    • Trend Micro FILTER
    • Common Firewall Driver
    • NTRTSCAN (if available)
    • TMLISTEN (if available)
  10. Restart the OfficeScan client machine.

Note : This Step by Step not work on all workstation. Please do this step by your own risk. Thanks
on Tuesday, 8 January 2013
If you is a addicted to watch movie and download it, you will notice at the title of the movie file you download content name like "R5", DVDRIP","DVDSCR" ...do you actually know the quality and the meaning of the short name..? Below is the information of the short name rip movie..


If you ever see a film that sometimes the audience suddenly appear in the film, that is the Cam-Quality film. A Cam is a theater rip usually done with a digital video camera. Sometimes they use mini tripod, but a lot of them do this manually so the camera make shake. And sometimes the seating placement isn’t always idle, it might be filmed from an angle. The sound is taken directly from the onboard microphone of the camera, so sometimes you can hear the audiences laughter quite often during the film. Due to these factors the sound and picture quality usually very poor.

on Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Nowadays all device come with a external slot memory to put on like smart phone, DSLR camera, mp3 player, camcoder etc..except for a apple product..=D ..

So what do you need to know before buy the memory card :

Type of memory card

There are few type of memory card for your information that are available on the market :

SD Memory Card

  • First integration of secure digital memory card.
  • Release in 1999
  • provide up to 2 gb storage. 

SDHC Memory Card

  • Second iteration of secure digital memory cards - HC meaning high capacity
  • Released in 2006
  • Provides up to 64GB of storage
  • Offers increased speeds
on Thursday, 20 December 2012
 Can’t be true? are people this insane…still but…makes you sick just thinking about it…. 

Lets Check it out..:

Insane Rock Climbing